Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Bow down to your royal bias.

Indecision has always sucked. Indecision is a constant source of inspiration from me. I'm finding that it's 4:45 in the morning, but I can't decide if I want to sleep tonight or not, because I'd like to see your face tomorrow.

Crushes have always confused me.

I think I will go to sleep.

Or maybe I wont.

The point of this is, my life is pretty pointless. And reciprocation has always been a problem in one way or another. I'm tired of this. And I doubt this is making any sense at all, and I doubt it ever will, to anyone, not even me.

I have recently noticed how much I say the word I. I have been trying to cut down, but it's difficult, and I'm frightened that I'm self centered. I think I am.

Fuck, I hate that word. Hillary hates that word. Whatever. It is a source of dislike in the brain of the person who is typing this.

Much better. Or maybe worse.

You decide, for once.

1 comment:

Some girl said...

Ok, Hill, it is creepy how much we have in common. Are you sure we arent the same person?
